

12月12日,能源一号获悉,日前江苏赛拉弗光伏系统有限公司(下称“赛拉弗”)宣布为澳大利亚最大的智能光伏发电项目---Kanowna Solar Farm提供最先进的智能组件。该工商业电站由Kanowna Solar公司开发,预计于2019年初正式动工。

Kanowna Solar Farm的建设地点位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州Moree以西的95公里处,总装机容量9MW。项目预计使用约27500块325W Seraphim MX的智能组件产品。这一智能组件搭载了美信开发的电池串智能优化器,其限压功能,可以调节组件的输出电压及电流,使得同一串逆变器下,可以多加入1.5倍的组件,降低了系统成本,非常适合大型电站项目和大型工商业项目。



Kanowna Solar公司总经理Emma Mailler博士则说道:“我们很荣幸与赛拉弗共同建设这个具有开创性意义的项目。我们的工程团队花了几个月的时间,仔细研究了优化器的性能和优势。研究结果表明,使用电池片串级智能优化器的Seraphim MX智能组件极具极高的成本效益,非常适用于大型光伏电站。”

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自2011年赛拉弗成立以来,迅速成长为世界级的光伏制造业领导者。目前赛拉弗全球产能达到4GW,被彭博新能源财经列为Tier 1组件供应商,也是DNV GL认定的顶级组件商。致力于自主研发的赛拉弗现已拥有数十项技术专利,凭借卓越的产品品质、先进技术和完善质保,超过6GW的产品已在全球40多个国家大规模应用。



CHANGZHOU --- Jiangsu Seraphim Solar System Co. Ltd. (“Seraphim”), a world-class solar product manufacturer in China, recently announced that it will supply state-of-the-art smart modules to a 9MW PV plant project in Australia.

Located 95 km west of Moree, New South Wales, the plant developed by the Kanowna Solar PL is expected to utilize 27,500 units of 325W Seraphim MX Modules with integrated cell string-level Maxim optimizers.

Construction will start on the plant in early 2019.

It is reported that the smart module produced by Seraphim can enable up to 1.5x more modules per string, thanks to its voltage-limiting feature, which will significantly reduce costs and make it more suitable for large power plants and commercial projects.

Meanwhile, compared with the traditional module, the smart module can minimize DC system mismatch losses and long-term degradation rates to enhance production output by up to 5 percent. “We are delighted to cooperate with Kanowna on this unprecedented smart solar project. It’s a milestone of huge importance to both companies, and also for the entire Australian solar market,” commented Polaris Li, President of Seraphim.

“We are very pleased to be working with Seraphim on this ground-breaking project. Our engineering team spent several months carefully studying the benefits of these optimizers. The Maxim optimizer used by Seraphim is ideal for utility-scale solar due to its extremely cost-effective design coupled with intra-module sub-string level optimization,” said Dr. Emma Mailler, General Manager of Kanowna Solar.

About Seraphim

Founded in 2011, Seraphim has registered impressive achievements in a short time, earning Tier-1 distinction from BNEF, Top Performer from DNV GL, and loyalty from demanding customers around the world. With an installed base of over 6GW in over 40 countries, Seraphim provides global customers with high-quality products and professional services.

About Kanowna

The team behind the Kanowna project includes Meralli Projects and Kinelli, who have successfully delivered cost-effective and award-winning utility-scale solar farms in Australia without requiring government subsidy.

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